Wybrane publikacje |
1 | Artykuł 2023
Dropshipping in the age of the Internet – does it really work in crisis?. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Organizacja i Zarządzanie. 2023, nr 169, s. 467-477. ISSN: 1641-3466 | Zasoby:DOI | |
2 | Artykuł 2020
Using agile practice under the CD-ERP model: a hybrid approach = Wykorzystanie zwinnych praktyk w modelu CD-ERP: podejście hybrydowe. Informatyka Ekonomiczna = Business Informatics. 2020, nr 3, s. 9-21. ISSN: 1507-3858; 2450-0003 | Zasoby:DOI | |
3 | Referat konferencyjny 2020
Public data driven decisions - Linked Open Data case. W: Proceedings of the 35th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA) : 1-2 April 2020, Seville, Spain / ed. Khalid S. Soliman. [King of Prussia, PA] : International Business Information Management Association, cop. 2020. s. 14154-14162. ISBN: 978-0-9998551-4-0 |
4 | Artykuł 2020
Approach to the methodological assessment of the performance of information systems at Libyan Universities (based on multiple case studies). International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning (IJEEEE). 2020, vol. 10, nr 3, s. 283-293. ISSN: 2010-3654 | Zasoby:DOIURLSFX | |
5 | Artykuł 2020
An empirical analysis of critical success factors for CD-ERP model. Journal of Computers. 2020, vol. 15, nr 2., s. 37-47. ISSN: 1796-203X | Zasoby:DOIURLSFX | |
6 | Artykuł 2020
A collaboratively-developed enterprise resource planning (CD-ERP) approach in Libyan Higher Education. International Journal of Information and Education Technology. 2020, vol. 10, nr 4, s. 284-289. ISSN: 2010-3689 | Zasoby:URLSFX | |
7 | Artykuł 2020
Information management in a collaboratively-developed approach to enterprise resource planning - a higher education perspective. Information. 2020, vol. 11, nr 3, art. 146, s. 1-11. ISSN: 2078-2489 | Zasoby:DOISFX | |
8 | Referat konferencyjny 2019
Using the SERVQUAL model to assess service quality and students’ satisfaction. W: ICBIM '19 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Business and Information Management : Paris, France, September 12-14, 2019. New York : ACM, cop. 2019. s. 130-133. ISBN: 978-1-4503-7232-9 | Zasoby:DOI | |
9 | Referat konferencyjny 2019
Evaluation of the performance of information systems implemented at the University of Tripoli, Libya. W: Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, IC3K 2019 : September 17-19, 2019, Vienna, Austria. Vol. 3, KMIS / eds. Jorge Bernardino, Ana Salgado and Joaquim Filipe. [Setúbal] : SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, cop. 2019. s. 203-211. ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7 | Zasoby:DOI | |
10 | Artykuł 2017
Economic consortia in the military industry. Zeszyty Naukowe - Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki = Journal of Science of the Gen. Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military Academy of Land Forces. 2017, vol. 5, nr 12, s. 31-40. ISSN: 1731-8157 | Zasoby:DOIURLSFX | |