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Faculty of Management

AD - Active directory account

In order to log in to the university information systems, it’s necessary to get unique login for the active directory account (AD) and set an individual password for access. Having an active student mailbox, you can proceed to activate your individual account AD.

To reset or set the password for the directory service that allows you to log in to PWR systems using a Single Sign-in Point (SSO), you should:
1. Go to the Password/Reset page 
2. Enter your email address, enter the captcha code, and click Ok.
3. The information with the AD account login and a link to set a password will be sent to the indicated e-mail address.
4. Reset your password.

The received email contains an individual login assigned to the account. It has the form xxxyyy1234, where: xxx - three letters of the name, yyy - three letters of the surname, 1234 - four random digits.

In case of any difficulties, report a problem to

Instructions can be found at In case of any problem, please send the e-mail to

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